Camilas Dream

The Common Dream


“The Meaning Of Christmas” - 5/13/05

At Christmas time, the sight of Mother’s lovely head gently bent over the crate,
Where her figurines had laid dormant throughout the year, readying them for the crèche,
Appeared just as wondrous a sight as the infant child being laid amidst the hay,
And brings back memory of the first lesson I learned as to the meaning of the season.
While I watched her work, fascinated by the lifelike quality of the manger scene,
I would lean over to touch the figurines, anticipating rebuke.
Feeling compelled to participate in what she was doing, I asked her to explain.
An expression of divine love she called it, letting me experience the magic.
Later on, as I walked with her, hand in hand after the midnight mass,
Many more questions I asked, while enjoying the cool crisp night air.
She told me of a God, whose love affair with the human race is never-ending,
Watching the stars in their magnificent luminosity, I tried to picture the baby Jesus,
Rendered speechless by the swelling gratitude for the love she so reverently described.
Years later when I tried to absorb the notion of a divine birth precursory to the sacrifice,
I found so much beauty and grace so freely lavished too wonderful to comprehend,
It is a feeling that continues to overwhelm me and take my breath away.
The wonder of years past coming back each Christmas brings with it the same sense of awe,
And makes me eternally grateful for the gift that secures me a permanent place in heaven.

author: Camila (Gladys Bruno)

La Liberté and its human cargo arrived at Cabana, after spending two long weeks at sea, and departed the following day. The passengers ....

Camilas Dream